Source code for everest.orm

ORM related services.

This file is part of the everest project. 
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on Oct 7, 2011.
from everest.entities.system import UserMessage
from inspect import isdatadescriptor
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import clear_mappers as sa_clear_mappers
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper as sa_mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import _mapper_registry
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ClauseList
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast
from threading import Lock

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['OrderClauseList',

class _GlobalObjectManager(object):
    _globs = None
    _lock = None

    def set(cls, key, obj):
        Sets the given object as global object for the given key.
        with cls._lock:
            if not cls._globs.get(key) is None:
                raise ValueError('Duplicate key "%s".' % key)
            cls._globs[key] = obj
        return cls._globs[key]

    def get(cls, key):
        Returns the global object for the given key.
        :raises KeyError: if no global object was initialized for the given 
        with cls._lock:
            return cls._globs[key]

    def is_initialized(cls, key):
        Checks if a global object with the given key has been initialized.
        with cls._lock:
            return not cls._globs.get(key) is None

    def reset(cls):
        Discards all global objects held by this manager.
        with cls._lock:

class _DbEngineManager(_GlobalObjectManager):
    _globs = {}
    _lock = Lock()

    def reset(cls):
        for engine in cls._globs.values():
        super(_DbEngineManager, cls).reset()

get_engine = _DbEngineManager.get
set_engine = _DbEngineManager.set
is_engine_initialized = _DbEngineManager.is_initialized
reset_engines = _DbEngineManager.reset

class _MetaDataManager(_GlobalObjectManager):
    _globs = {}
    _lock = Lock()

    def reset(cls):
        for md in cls._globs.values():
        super(_MetaDataManager, cls).reset()

get_metadata = _MetaDataManager.get
set_metadata = _MetaDataManager.set
is_metadata_initialized = _MetaDataManager.is_initialized
reset_metadata = _MetaDataManager.reset

#: The scoped session maker. Instantiate this to obtain a thread local
#: session instance.
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) # extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))

[docs]class OrderClauseList(ClauseList): """ Custom clause list for ORDER BY clauses. Suppresses the grouping parentheses which would trigger a syntax error. """ def self_group(self, against=None): return self
[docs]def commit_veto(environ, status, headers): # unused pylint: disable=W0613 """ Strict commit veto to use with the transaction manager. Unlike the default commit veto supplied with the transaction manager, this will veto all commits for HTTP status codes other than 2xx unless a commit is explicitly requested by setting the "x-tm" response header to "commit". """ return not status.startswith('2') and not headers.get('x-tm') == 'commit'
[docs]def as_slug_expression(attr): """ Converts the given instrumented string attribute into an SQL expression that can be used as a slug. Slugs are identifiers for members in a collection that can be used in an URL. We create slug columns by replacing non-URL characters with dashes and lower casing the result. We need this at the ORM level so that we can use the slug in a query expression. """ slug_expr = func.replace(attr, ' ', '-') slug_expr = func.replace(slug_expr, '_', '-') slug_expr = func.lower(slug_expr) return slug_expr
[docs]def mapper(class_, local_table=None, id_attribute='id', slug_expression=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience wrapper around the SA mapper which will set up the hybrid "id" and "slug" attributes required by everest after calling the SA mapper. If you (e.g., for testing purposes) want to clear mappers created with this function, use the :func:`clear_mappers` function in this module. :param str id_attribute: the name of the column in the table to use as ID column (will be aliased to a new "id" attribute in the mapped class) :param slug_expression: function to generate a slug SQL expression given the mapped class as argument. """ mpr = sa_mapper(class_, local_table=local_table, *args, **kwargs) # Set up the ID attribute as a hybrid property, if necessary. if id_attribute != 'id': # Make sure we are not overwriting an already mapped or customized # 'id' attribute. if 'id' in mpr.columns: mpr.dispose() raise ValueError('Attempting to overwrite the mapped "id" ' 'attribute.') elif isdatadescriptor(getattr(class_, 'id', None)): mpr.dispose() raise ValueError('Attempting to overwrite the custom data ' 'descriptor defined for the "id" attribute.') fget = lambda obj: getattr(obj, id_attribute) fset = lambda self, value: setattr(self, id_attribute, value) = hybrid_property(fget, fset=fset, expr=fget) # Set up the slug attribute as a hybrid property. if slug_expression is None: cls_expr = lambda cls: cast(getattr(cls, 'id'), String) else: cls_expr = slug_expression class_.slug = hybrid_property(class_.slug.fget, expr=cls_expr) return mpr
[docs]def clear_mappers(): """ Clears all mappers set up by SA and also clears all custom "id" and "slug" attributes inserted by the :func:`mapper` function in this module. This should only ever bee needed in a testing context. """ # Remove our hybrid property constructs. for mpr, is_primary in _mapper_registry.items(): if is_primary: for attr_name in ('id', 'slug'): try: attr = object.__getattribute__(mpr.class_, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, hybrid_property): delattr(mpr.class_, attr_name) except AttributeError: pass sa_clear_mappers()
def map_system_entities(engine, reset): # Map the user message system entity. md = MetaData() msg_tbl = Table('_user_messages', md, Column('guid', String, nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column('text', String, nullable=False), Column('time_stamp', DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False,, ) mapper(UserMessage, msg_tbl, id_attribute='guid') if reset: md.drop_all(bind=engine, tables=[msg_tbl]) md.create_all(bind=engine, tables=[msg_tbl])
[docs]def empty_metadata(engine): """ The default metadata factory. """ metadata = MetaData() metadata.create_all(bind=engine) return metadata
class OrmTestCaseMixin(object): def tear_down(self): super(OrmTestCaseMixin, self).tear_down() Session.remove() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): base_cls = super(OrmTestCaseMixin, cls) try: base_cls.teardown_class() except AttributeError: pass assert not Session.registry.has() reset_metadata()

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