Source code for everest.querying.base

Querying operators, expressions, visitors, builders, directors.

This file is part of the everest project. 
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on Dec 2, 2011.
from everest.entities.utils import identifier_from_slug
from everest.querying.interfaces import ISpecification
from everest.querying.interfaces import ISpecificationBuilder
from everest.querying.interfaces import ISpecificationDirector
from everest.querying.interfaces import ISpecificationVisitor
from pyparsing import ParseException
from zope.interface import implements # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
import logging

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['BinaryOperator',

class EXPRESSION_KINDS(object):
    CQL = 'CQL'
    SQL = 'SQL'
    EVAL = 'EVAL'

[docs]class Operator(object): """ Base class for querying operators. """ name = None
[docs]class UnaryOperator(Operator): """ Unary querying operator. """ @staticmethod def apply(value): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]class BinaryOperator(Operator): """ Binary querying operator. """ @staticmethod def apply(value, ref_value): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]class CqlExpression(object): """ Single CQL expression. CQL expressions can be converted to a string and support the conjunction (AND) operation. """ def __str__(self): return self._as_string() def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, CqlExpression): res = CqlExpressionList([self, other]) elif isinstance(other, CqlExpressionList): res = CqlExpressionList([self] + other.expressions) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for &: " "'CqlExpression' and '%s'" % type(other)) return res def _as_string(self): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]class CqlExpressionList(object): """ List of CQL expressions. Like a single CQL expression, CQL expression lists can be converted to a string and joined with the conjunction (AND) operation. """ __cql_and = '~' def __init__(self, expressions): self.expressions = expressions def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, CqlExpression): res = CqlExpressionList(self.expressions + [other]) elif isinstance(other, CqlExpressionList): res = CqlExpressionList(self.expressions + other.expressions) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for &: " "'CqlExpression' and '%s'" % type(other)) return res def __str__(self): return self.__cql_and.join([str(expr) for expr in self.expressions])
[docs]class Specification(object): """ Abstract base classs for all specifications. """ implements(ISpecification) operator = None def __init__(self): if self.__class__ is Specification: raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class') def accept(self, visitor): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method')
[docs]class SpecificationDirector(object): """ Abstract base class for specification directors. """ implements(ISpecificationDirector) def __init__(self, parser, builder): self.__parser = parser self.__builder = builder self.__errors = [] def construct(self, expression): try: self._logger.debug('Expression received: %s' % expression) result = self.__parser(expression) except ParseException, err: # FIXME: show better error messages. self.__errors.append('Expression parameters have errors. %s' % err) else: self._process_parse_result(result) def has_errors(self): return len(self.__errors) > 0 def get_errors(self): return self.__errors[:] def _format_identifier(self, string): return identifier_from_slug(string) @property def _logger(self): return logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def _get_build_function(self, op_name): # Builder function dispatch using the operator name. return getattr(self.__builder, 'build_%s' % op_name) def _process_parse_result(self, parse_result): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]class SpecificationBuilder(object): """ Base class for specification builders. """ implements(ISpecificationBuilder) def __init__(self, spec_factory): self._spec_factory = spec_factory self.__specification = None def _record_specification(self, new_specification): """ Records a built specification. If another spec has been recorded already by the builder, form the conjunction between the previously recorded and the given spec. """ if self.__specification is None: self.__specification = new_specification else: self.__specification = \ self._spec_factory.create_conjunction(self.__specification, new_specification) @property
[docs] def specification(self): """ Returns the built specification. """ return self.__specification
[docs]class SpecificationVisitorBase(object): """ Base class for specification visitors. """ def __init__(self): self.__expression_stack = [] def _push(self, expr): self.__expression_stack.append(expr) def _pop(self): return self.__expression_stack.pop() @property def expression(self): # If we have more than one expression on the stack, traversal of the # input specification tree has not finished yet. assert len(self.__expression_stack) == 1 return self.__expression_stack[0]
[docs]class SpecificationVisitor(SpecificationVisitorBase): """ Base class for all specification visitors. """ implements(ISpecificationVisitor) def visit_nullary(self, spec): op = self.__get_op_func( self._push(op(spec)) def visit_unary(self, spec): op = self.__get_op_func( expr = self._pop() self._push(op(spec, expr)) def visit_binary(self, spec): op = self.__get_op_func( right_expr = self._pop() left_expr = self._pop() self._push(op(spec, left_expr, right_expr)) def _conjunction_op(self, spec, *expressions): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.') def __get_op_func(self, op_name): # Visitor function dispatch using the operator name. return getattr(self, '_%s_op' % identifier_from_slug(op_name))

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