Source code for everest.representers.base

Representer base classes.

This file is part of the everest project.
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on May 18, 2011.
from StringIO import StringIO
from everest.representers.interfaces import ICollectionDataElement
from everest.representers.interfaces import ILinkedDataElement
from everest.representers.interfaces import IResourceDataElement
from everest.representers.utils import get_mapping_registry
from everest.resources.base import Resource
from zope.interface import providedBy as provided_by # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
import os

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['RepresentationGenerator',

[docs]class Representer(object): """ Base class for all representers. A representer knows how to convert an object into a representation of a particular MIME type (content type) and vice versa. """ content_type = None def from_string(self, string_representation): stream = StringIO(string_representation) return self.from_stream(stream) def to_string(self, obj): stream = StringIO() self.to_stream(obj, stream) return stream.getvalue() def from_stream(self, stream): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method.") def to_stream(self, obj, stream): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method.")
[docs]class ResourceRepresenter(Representer): """ Base class for resource representers which know how to convert resource representations into resources and back. This conversion is performed using four customizable, independent helper objects: 1. The *representation parser* responsible for converting the representation into a data element tree; 2. The *data element parser* responsible for converting a data element tree into a resource; 3. The *data element generator* responsible for converting a resource into a data element tree; and 4. the *representation generator* responsible for converting the data element tree into a representation. """ def __init__(self, resource_class, mapping): Representer.__init__(self) self.resource_class = resource_class self._mapping = mapping @classmethod def create_from_resource(cls, rc): mp_reg = get_mapping_registry(cls.content_type) rc_cls = type(rc) mp = mp_reg.find_or_create_mapping(rc_cls) return cls(rc_cls, mp) @classmethod def make_mapping_registry(cls): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.') def from_stream(self, stream): parser = self._make_representation_parser(stream, self.resource_class, self._mapping) data_el = return self.resource_from_data(data_el) def to_stream(self, resource, stream): data_el = self.data_from_resource(resource) generator = \ self._make_representation_generator(stream, self.resource_class, self._mapping) return
[docs] def data_from_stream(self, stream): """ Creates a data element reading a representation from the given stream. :returns: object implementing :class:`everest.representers.interfaces.IExplicitDataElement` """ parser = self._make_representation_parser(stream, self.resource_class, self._mapping) return
[docs] def data_from_representation(self, representation): """ Creates a data element from the given representation. :returns: object implementing :class:`everest.representers.interfaces.IExplicitDataElement` """ stream = StringIO(representation) return self.data_from_stream(stream)
[docs] def representation_from_data(self, data_element): """ Creates a representation from the given data element. :param data_element: """ stream = StringIO() generator = \ self._make_representation_generator(stream, self.resource_class, self._mapping) return stream.getvalue()
[docs] def resource_from_data(self, data_element, resolve_urls=True): """ Extracts serialized data from the given data element and constructs a resource from it. :param resolve_urls: If this is set to `False`, resolving URLs in the data element tree will be delayed until after loading has completed. :returns: object implementing :class:`everest.resources.interfaces.IResource` """ return self._mapping.map_to_resource(data_element, resolve_urls=resolve_urls)
[docs] def data_from_resource(self, resource): """ Extracts managed attributes from a resource and constructs a data element for serialization from it. Default representer behavior: * Top-level member and collections resource attributes are represented as links. * Nested member resource attributes are represented as links, nested collection resource attributes are ignored (building a link may require iterating over the collection). The default behavior can be configured with the "representer" directive (:func:`everest.configuration.representer`) by means of the "write_as_link" and "ignore" options of representer configuration objects (:class:`everest.representers.config.RepresenterConfiguration`). """ return self._mapping.map_to_data_element(resource)
[docs] def configure(self, options=None, attribute_options=None): """ Configures the attribute mapping for this representer. :param dict options: configuration options for the mapping associated with this representer. :param dict attribute_options: attribute options for the mapping associated with this representer. """ self._mapping = \ self._mapping.clone(options=options, attribute_options=attribute_options)
def _make_representation_parser(self, stream, resource_class, mapping): """ Creates a representation parser from the given arguments. This parser has a `run` method which reads and parses the serialized resource from the given stream. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.') def _make_representation_generator(self, stream, resource_class, mapping): """ Creates a representation generator from the given arguments. This generator has a `run` method which writes out the serialized resource representation to the given stream. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]class RepresenterRegistry(object): """ Registry for representer classes and representer factories. """ def __init__(self): self.__rpr_classes = {} self.__mp_regs = {} self.__rpr_factories = {} def register_representer_class(self, representer_class): if representer_class in self.__rpr_classes.values(): raise ValueError('The representer class "%s" has already been ' 'registered.' % representer_class) self.__rpr_classes[representer_class.content_type] = representer_class # Create and hold a mapping registry for the registered resource # representer class. mp_reg = representer_class.make_mapping_registry() self.__mp_regs[representer_class.content_type] = mp_reg def is_registered_representer_class(self, representer_class): return representer_class in self.__rpr_classes.values() def get_mapping_registry(self, content_type): return self.__mp_regs.get(content_type)
[docs] def register(self, resource_class, content_type, configuration=None): """ Registers a representer factory for the given combination of resource class and content type. :param configuration: representer configuration. A default instance will be created if this is not given. :type configuration: :class:`everest.representers.config.RepresenterConfiguration` """ if not issubclass(resource_class, Resource): raise ValueError('Representers can only be registered for ' 'resource classes (got: %s).' % resource_class) if not content_type in self.__rpr_classes: raise ValueError('No representer class has been registered for ' 'content type "%s".' % content_type) # Create or update a mapping. mp_reg = self.__mp_regs[content_type] mp = mp_reg.find_mapping(resource_class) if mp is None: # No mapping was registered yet for this resource class or any # of its base classes; create a new one on the fly. new_mp = mp_reg.create_mapping(resource_class, configuration) elif not configuration is None: if resource_class is mp.mapped_class: # We have additional configuration for an existing mapping. mp.configuration.update(configuration) new_mp = mp else: # We have a derived class with additional configuration. new_mp = mp_reg.create_mapping(resource_class, configuration=mp.configuration) new_mp.configuration.update(configuration) elif not resource_class is mp.mapped_class: # We have a derived class without additional configuration. new_mp = mp_reg.create_mapping(resource_class, configuration=mp.configuration) else: # We found a dynamically created mapping for the right class # without additional configuration; do not create a new one. new_mp = None if not new_mp is None: # Store the new (or updated) mapping. mp_reg.set_mapping(new_mp) # Register factory resource -> representer for the given resource # class, content type combination. rpr_cls = self.__rpr_classes[content_type] self.__rpr_factories[(resource_class, content_type)] = \ rpr_cls.create_from_resource
[docs] def create(self, resource, content_type): """ Creates a representer for the given combination of resource and content type. This will also find representer factories that were registered for a base class of the given resource. """ rc_cls = type(resource) for base_rc_cls in rc_cls.__mro__: try: rpr_fac = self.__rpr_factories[(base_rc_cls, content_type)] except KeyError: rpr = None else: rpr = rpr_fac(resource) break return rpr
class _RepresentationHandler(object): """ Base class for objects handling a representation stream. """ def __init__(self, stream, resource_class, mapping): self._stream = stream self._resource_class = resource_class self._mapping = mapping self.__config = {} def get_option(self, option, default=None): return self.__config.get(option, default) def set_option(self, option, value): self.__config[option] = value class RepresentationParser(_RepresentationHandler): def run(self): """ :return: The data element tree parsed from the handled stream. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.') class RepresentationGenerator(_RepresentationHandler): def run(self, data_element): """ :param data_element: The data element tree to be serialized. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
[docs]def data_element_tree_to_string(data_element): """ Creates a string representation of the given data element tree. """ # FIXME: rewrite this as a visitor to use the data element tree traverser. def __dump(data_el, stream, offset): name = data_el.__class__.__name__ stream.write("%s%s" % (' ' * offset, name)) offset += 2 ifcs = provided_by(data_el) if ICollectionDataElement in ifcs: stream.write("[") first_member = True for member_data_el in data_el.get_members(): if first_member: stream.write('%s' % os.linesep + ' ' * offset) first_member = False else: stream.write(',%s' % os.linesep + ' ' * offset) __dump(member_data_el, stream, offset) stream.write("]") else: stream.write("(") if ILinkedDataElement in ifcs: stream.write("url=%s, kind=%s, relation=%s" % (data_el.get_url(), data_el.get_kind(), data_el.get_relation())) else: first_attr = True for attr_name, attr_value in if first_attr: first_attr = False else: stream.write(',%s' % os.linesep + ' ' * (offset + len(name) + 1)) if attr_value is None: continue if not IResourceDataElement in provided_by(attr_value): stream.write("%s=%s" % (attr_name, attr_value)) else: __dump(attr_value, stream, offset) stream.write(')') stream = StringIO() __dump(data_element, stream, 0) return stream.getvalue()

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