Source code for everest.representers.urlloader

URL lazy loader.

This file is part of the everest project. 
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on Apr 25, 2012.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['LazyAttributeLoaderProxy',

[docs]class LazyUrlLoader(object): """ Helper class for lazy loading of URLs. """ def __init__(self, url, resolver): self.__url = url self.__resolver = resolver def __call__(self): return self.__resolver(self.__url)
[docs]class LazyAttributeLoaderProxy(object): """ Proxy for lazy loading of attributes referencing entities that are loaded through a URL-linked resource. """ def __init__(self, _loader_map=None, **kw): if _loader_map is None \ or not (isinstance(_loader_map, dict) and len(_loader_map) > 0): raise ValueError('Must pass _loader_map dictionary containing ' 'at least one attribute to load lazily.') self._loader_map = _loader_map super(LazyAttributeLoaderProxy, self).__init__(**kw) def __getattribute__(self, attr): attrs = object.__getattribute__(self, '__dict__') if attr in attrs.get('_loader_map', ()): # Setting this flag protects agains recursive loading. loaded_attrs = self.__load() try: result = loaded_attrs[attr] except KeyError: # Loading failed - try again later. result = object.__getattribute__(self, attr) else: result = object.__getattribute__(self, attr) return result @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, entity_cls, data): """ Factory class method to create a lazy loader for entities linked through resource URLs. This returns an instance of a new dynamically created subtype of the given entity class which also inherits from this class to add the referenced entity attribute loading functionality. Once all referenced entity attributes have been loaded successfully, the instance's class is reverted to the given entity class. """ loader_map = {} for attr, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, LazyUrlLoader): loader_map[attr] = value data[attr] = None if len(loader_map) > 0: data['_loader_map'] = loader_map new_type = type('%sLazyAttributeLoaderProxy' % entity_cls.__name__, (cls, entity_cls), {}) ent = new_type.create_from_data(data) else: ent = entity_cls.create_from_data(data) return ent
def __load(self): loaded_attrs = dict() loader_map = object.__getattribute__(self, '_loader_map') for attr, loader in loader_map.items(): # To prevent recursive attempts to load the currently loading # attribute, we remove it from the loader map. del loader_map[attr] try: new_value = loader().get_entity() except KeyError: # URL resolving (traversal) failed. # Reinsert the attribute into the map for later loading. loader_map[attr] = loader else: setattr(self, attr, new_value) loaded_attrs[attr] = new_value # Once all attributes are loaded successfully, we do not need the # proxy any longer. if len(loader_map) == 0: self.__class__ = self.__class__.__bases__[-1] delattr(self, '_loader_map') return loaded_attrs

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