Source code for everest.resources.attributes

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Resource attribute handling classes.

Created on Dec 2, 2011.
from collections import OrderedDict
from everest.resources.descriptors import CARDINALITY
from everest.resources.descriptors import attribute_base
from everest.resources.descriptors import collection_attribute
from everest.resources.descriptors import member_attribute
from everest.resources.descriptors import terminal_attribute
from everest.resources.kinds import ResourceKinds
from everest.resources.utils import get_member_class

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['CollectionResourceAttribute',

[docs]class ResourceAttributeKinds(object): """ Static container for resource attribute kind constants. We have three kinds of resource attribute: MEMBER : a member resource attribute COLLECTION : a collection resource attribute TERMINAL : an attribute that is not a resource """ MEMBER = ResourceKinds.MEMBER COLLECTION = ResourceKinds.COLLECTION TERMINAL = 'TERMINAL'
class _ResourceAttribute(object): """ Value object holding information about a resource attribute. """ #: The kind of the attribute. Set to one of the constants defined in the #: :class: `ResourceAttributeKinds` class in derived classes. kind = None def __init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality, entity_name=None): #: The name of the attribute in the resource. = name #: The type or interface of the attribute in the underlying entity. self.value_type = value_type #: For non-terminal attributes, indicates the cardinality of the #: relationship. self.cardinality = cardinality #: The name of the attribute in the underlying entity. self.entity_name = entity_name
[docs]class TerminalResourceAttribute(_ResourceAttribute): """ Resource attribute class for terminal attribute declarations. """ kind = ResourceAttributeKinds.TERMINAL def __init__(self, name, value_type, entity_name=None): _ResourceAttribute.__init__(self, name, value_type, None, entity_name=entity_name)
class _ResourceResourceAttribute(_ResourceAttribute): def __init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality, entity_name=None, is_nested=False): _ResourceAttribute.__init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality, entity_name=entity_name) #: If this is set, URLs for this resource attribute will be relative #: to the parent resource. self.is_nested = is_nested
[docs]class MemberResourceAttribute(_ResourceResourceAttribute): """ Resource attribute class for member attribute declarations. """ kind = ResourceAttributeKinds.MEMBER def __init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality=CARDINALITY.MANYTOONE, entity_name=None, is_nested=False): _ResourceResourceAttribute.__init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality, entity_name=entity_name, is_nested=is_nested)
[docs]class CollectionResourceAttribute(_ResourceResourceAttribute): """ Resource attribute class for collection attribute declarations. """ kind = ResourceAttributeKinds.COLLECTION def __init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality=CARDINALITY.ONETOMANY, entity_name=None, is_nested=False): _ResourceResourceAttribute.__init__(self, name, value_type, cardinality, entity_name=entity_name, is_nested=is_nested)
[docs]class MetaResourceAttributeCollector(type): """ Meta class for member resource classes managing declared attributes. Extracts relevant information from the resource class descriptors for use e.g. in the representers. """ def __init__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict): # Skip classes that are direct subclasses of the base mixin class. if name != 'ResourceAttributeControllerMixin' \ and not ResourceAttributeControllerMixin in bases: dicts = [] for cls in mcs.__mro__[::-1]: if cls in ResourceAttributeControllerMixin.__mro__: continue dicts.append(cls.__dict__) attr_map = mcs.__collect_attributes(dicts) # Store in class namespace. mcs._attributes = attr_map type.__init__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict) def __collect_attributes(mcs, dicts): # Loop over the namespace of the given resource class and its base # classes looking for descriptors inheriting from # :class:`everest.resources.descriptors.attribute_base`. descr_map = {} for base_cls_namespace in dicts: for descr_name, descr in base_cls_namespace.iteritems(): if isinstance(descr, attribute_base): descr_map[descr_name] = descr # Order by descriptor ID (=sequence in which they were declared). ordered_descr_map = OrderedDict() cmp_fnc = lambda item1, item2: cmp(item1[1].id, item2[1].id) for item in sorted(descr_map.items(), cmp=cmp_fnc): ordered_descr_map[item[0]] = item[1] # Builds :class:`everest.resources.attributes.ResourceAttribute` # instances from resource descriptor information. Also, sets the # `resource_name` attribute in the collected descriptors. attr_map = OrderedDict() for attr_name, descr in ordered_descr_map.items(): # It would be awkward to repeat the resource attribute name # in the parameters to the descriptor, so we set it manually # here. descr.resource_attr = attr_name options = dict(entity_name=descr.entity_attr) if type(descr) is terminal_attribute: rc_attr_cls = TerminalResourceAttribute else: options['cardinality'] = descr.cardinality options['is_nested'] = descr.is_nested if type(descr) is member_attribute: rc_attr_cls = MemberResourceAttribute elif type(descr) is collection_attribute: rc_attr_cls = CollectionResourceAttribute else: raise ValueError('Unknown resource attribute type.') attr = rc_attr_cls(attr_name, descr.attr_type, **options) attr_map[attr_name] = attr return attr_map
class ResourceAttributeControllerMixin(object): __metaclass__ = MetaResourceAttributeCollector # Populated by the meta class. _attributes = None @classmethod def is_terminal(cls, attr): """ Checks if the given resource class attribute is a terminal resource attribute. """ return cls._attributes[attr].kind == ResourceAttributeKinds.TERMINAL @classmethod def is_member(cls, attr): """ Checks if the given resource class attribute is a member resource attribute. """ return cls._attributes[attr].kind == ResourceAttributeKinds.MEMBER @classmethod def is_collection(cls, attr): """ Checks if the given resource class attribute is a collection resource attribute. """ return cls._attributes[attr].kind == ResourceAttributeKinds.COLLECTION @classmethod def is_resource(cls, attr): """ Checks if the given resource class attribute is a member or collection resource attribute. """ return cls._attributes[attr].kind \ in [ResourceAttributeKinds.MEMBER, ResourceAttributeKinds.COLLECTION] @classmethod def get_attribute_names(cls): """ Returns all attribute names of the given resource class. """ return cls._attributes.keys() @classmethod def get_attributes(cls): """ Returns a dictionary mapping the attribute names of the given resource class to :class:`ResourceAttribute` instances. """ return cls._attributes def is_terminal_attribute(rc, attr_name): mb_cls = get_member_class(rc) return mb_cls.is_terminal(attr_name) def is_member_attribute(rc, attr_name): mb_cls = get_member_class(rc) return mb_cls.is_member(attr_name) def is_collection_attribute(rc, attr_name): mb_cls = get_member_class(rc) return mb_cls.is_collection(attr_name) def get_resource_class_attribute_names(rc): mb_cls = get_member_class(rc) return mb_cls.get_attribute_names() def get_resource_class_attributes(rc): mb_cls = get_member_class(rc) return mb_cls.get_attributes()

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