Source code for everest.resources.entitystores

Entity stores.

This file is part of the everest project. 
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on Jan 31, 2012.
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from everest.mime import CsvMime
from everest.orm import Session as SaSessionFactory
from everest.orm import empty_metadata
from everest.orm import get_engine
from everest.orm import get_metadata
from everest.orm import is_engine_initialized
from everest.orm import is_metadata_initialized
from everest.orm import set_engine
from everest.orm import set_metadata
from everest.resources.interfaces import IEntityStore
from import dump_resource
from import get_read_collection_path
from import get_write_collection_path
from everest.resources.utils import get_repository_manager
from everest.utils import id_generator
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from threading import RLock
from threading import local
from transaction.interfaces import IDataManager
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from zope.interface import implements # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
import os
import transaction
import weakref

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['CachingEntityStore',

[docs]class EntityStore(object): """ Base class for all entity stores. An entity store is responsible for configuration and initialization of a storage backend for entities. It also creates and holds a session factory which is used to create a (thread-local) session. The session alone provides access to the entities loaded from the entity store. """ implements(IEntityStore) _configurables = None def __init__(self, name, join_transaction=False): self.__name = name #: Flag indicating that the sessions using this entity store should #: join the zope transaction. self._join_transaction = join_transaction self._config = {} self.__session_factory = None self.__is_initialized = False def configure(self, **config): for key, val in config.items(): if not key in self._configurables: raise ValueError('Invalid configuration key "%s".' % key) self._config[key] = val def initialize(self): # Perform initialization specific to the derived class. self._initialize() # self.__is_initialized = True @property def session_factory(self): if self.__session_factory is None: # Create a session factory. The call to _initialize may depend on # the session factory being instantiated. self.__session_factory = self._make_session_factory() return self.__session_factory @property def name(self): return self.__name @property
[docs] def configuration(self): """ Returns a copy of the configuration for this entity store. """ return self._config.copy()
@property def is_initialized(self): return self.__is_initialized def _initialize(self): """ Performs initialization of the entity store. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.') def _make_session_factory(self): """ Create the session factory for this entity store. """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')
class SessionFactory(object): def __init__(self, join_transaction): self._join_transaction = join_transaction def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract mehtod.') class OrmSessionFactory(SessionFactory): def __call__(self): if self._join_transaction and not SaSessionFactory.registry.has(): # Enable the transaction extension. SaSessionFactory.configure(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()) return SaSessionFactory()
[docs]class OrmEntityStore(EntityStore): """ EntityStore connected to an ORM backend. """ _configurables = ['db_string', 'metadata_factory'] def __init__(self, name, join_transaction=True): EntityStore.__init__(self, name, join_transaction=join_transaction) # Default to an in-memory sqlite DB. self.configure(db_string='sqlite://', metadata_factory=empty_metadata) def _initialize(self): # Manages an ORM engine and a metadata instance for this entity store. # Both are global objects that should only be created once per process # (for each ORM entity store), hence we use a global object manager. if not is_engine_initialized( db_string = self._config['db_string'] engine = create_engine(db_string) # Bind the session factory to the engine. SaSessionFactory.configure(bind=engine) set_engine(, engine) else: engine = get_engine( if not is_metadata_initialized( metadata_factory = self._config['metadata_factory'] metadata = metadata_factory(engine) set_metadata(, metadata) else: metadata = get_metadata( metadata.bind = engine def _make_session_factory(self): return OrmSessionFactory(self._join_transaction)
class InMemorySessionFactory(SessionFactory): """ Factory for :class:`InMemorySession` instances. The factory creates exactly one session per thread. """ def __init__(self, entity_store, autoflush=False, join_transaction=False): SessionFactory.__init__(self, join_transaction) self.__entity_store = entity_store self.__autoflush = autoflush self.__session_registry = local() def __call__(self): session = getattr(self.__session_registry, 'session', None) if session is None: session = InMemorySession(self.__entity_store, autoflush=self.__autoflush, join_transaction=self._join_transaction) self.__session_registry.session = session return session
[docs]class CachingEntityStore(EntityStore): """ An entity store that caches all entities in memory. """ _configurables = [] def __init__(self, name, join_transaction=False): EntityStore.__init__(self, name, join_transaction=join_transaction) self._id_generators = defaultdict(id_generator) self.__entities = defaultdict(EntityCache) self.__cache_lock = RLock() def commit(self, session): with self.__cache_lock: for (entity_cls, added_entities) in session.added.iteritems(): cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] for added_entity in added_entities: cache.add(added_entity) for (entity_cls, removed_entities) in session.removed.iteritems(): cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] for rmvd_entity in removed_entities: cache.remove(rmvd_entity) for (entity_cls, dirty_entities) in session.dirty.iteritems(): cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] for drt_entity in dirty_entities: cache.replace(drt_entity) def rollback(self, session): # FIXME: Is there anything we should do here? pylint: disable=W0511 pass def _initialize(self): pass def _make_session_factory(self): return InMemorySessionFactory(self, join_transaction=self._join_transaction)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a deep copy of the entire entity cache. """ return deepcopy(self.__entities)
def get_id(self, entity_cls): id_gen = self._id_generators[entity_cls] return
[docs]class FileSystemEntityStore(CachingEntityStore): """ EntityStore using the file system as storage. On initialization, this entity store loads resource representations from files into the root repository. Each commit operation writes the specified resource back to file. """ _configurables = ['directory', 'content_type'] def __init__(self, name, join_transaction=True): CachingEntityStore.__init__(self, name, join_transaction=join_transaction) self.configure(directory=os.getcwd(), content_type=CsvMime)
[docs] def commit(self, session): """ Dump all resources that were modified by the given session back into the store. """ CachingEntityStore.commit(self, session) if self.is_initialized: repo = self.__get_repo() for entity_cls in session.dirty.keys(): coll = repo.get(entity_cls) self.__dump_collection(coll)
def _make_session_factory(self): return InMemorySessionFactory(self, autoflush=True, join_transaction=self._join_transaction) def _initialize(self): repo = self.__get_repo() for coll_cls in repo.managed_collections: self.__load_collection(repo, coll_cls) # This pushes the loaded entities to the store's cache and clears # the session that was used during resource loading. transaction.commit() def __dump_collection(self, collection): fn = get_write_collection_path(collection, self._config['content_type'], directory=self._config['directory']) stream = file(fn, 'w') with stream: dump_resource(collection, stream, content_type=self._config['content_type']) def __load_collection(self, repo, coll_cls): fn = get_read_collection_path(coll_cls, self._config['content_type'], directory=self._config['directory']) if not fn is None: url = 'file://%s' % fn repo.load_representation(coll_cls, url, content_type= self._config['content_type'], resolve_urls=False) def __get_repo(self): # FIXME: assuming repo has same name as store. pylint: disable=W0511 repo_mgr = get_repository_manager() return repo_mgr.get(
class EntityCache(object): """ Cache for entities. Supports add, remove, and replace operations as well as lookup by ID and by slug. """ def __init__(self): # List of cached entities. This is the only place we are holding a # real reference to the entity. self.__entities = [] # Dictionary mapping entity IDs to entities for fast lookup by ID. self.__id_map = WeakValueDictionary() # Dictionary mapping entity slugs to entities for fast lookup by slug. self.__slug_map = WeakValueDictionary() # Internal flag indicating that the cache has to be rebuilt (i.e., # the id and slug maps have to be updated). self.__needs_rebuild = False def clear(self): """ Clears the cache. """ self.__entities = [] self.__id_map.clear() self.__slug_map.clear() def rebuild(self): """ Rebuilds the cache (i.e., rebuilds the ID -> entity and slug -> entity mappings). """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() def get_by_id(self, entity_id): """ Performs a lookup of an entity by its ID. :param int entity_id: entity ID """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() return self.__id_map.get(entity_id) def get_by_slug(self, entity_slug): """ Performs a lookup of an entity by its sluyg. :param str entity_id: entity slug """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() return self.__slug_map.get(entity_slug) def get_all(self): """ Returns (a copy of) the list of all entities in this cache. """ return self.__entities[:] def replace(self, entity): """ Replaces the entity in the cache that has the same ID as the given entity with the latter. :param entity: entity to replace the cached entity with (must have a not-None ID). :type entity: object implementing :class:`everest.interfaces.IEntity`. """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() if is None: raise ValueError('Can only replace entities that have an ID.') old_entity = self.__id_map[] if entity.slug != old_entity.slug: del self.__slug_map[old_entity.slug] self.__slug_map[entity.slug] = entity self.__entities.remove(old_entity) self.__entities.append(entity) self.__id_map[] = entity def add(self, entity): """ Adds the given entity to this cache. At the point an entity is added, it must not have an ID or a slug of another entity that is already in the cache. However, both the ID and the slug may be *None* values. :param entity: entity to add. :type entity: object implementing :class:`everest.interfaces.IEntity`. """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() # Perform checks first. ent_id = if not ent_id is None and ent_id in self.__id_map: raise ValueError('Duplicate entity ID "%s".' % ent_id) ent_slug = entity.slug if not ent_slug is None and ent_slug in self.__slug_map: raise ValueError('Duplicate entity slug "%s".' % ent_slug) self.__entities.append(entity) # Sometimes, the slug is a lazy attribute; we *always* have to rebuild # when an entity was added. self.__needs_rebuild = True def remove(self, entity): """ Removes the given entity to this cache. :param entity: entity to remove. :type entity: object implementing :class:`everest.interfaces.IEntity`. """ if self.__needs_rebuild: self.__rebuild() if not is None: del self.__id_map[] if not entity.slug is None: del self.__slug_map[entity.slug] self.__entities.remove(entity) def __rebuild(self): self.__id_map.clear() self.__slug_map.clear() for entity in self.__entities: ent_id = if not ent_id is None: self.__id_map[ent_id] = entity ent_slug = entity.slug if not ent_slug is None: self.__slug_map[ent_slug] = entity self.__needs_rebuild = False class InMemorySession(object): """ Session that uses a map of :class:`EntityCache` instances to manage a "unit of work" on entities. Commit and rollback operations trigger the corresponding call on the underlying caching entity store. """ def __init__(self, entity_store, autoflush=True, join_transaction=False): self.__entity_store = entity_store #: Flag controlling if a flush should be performed automatically #: at the time any of the get_* methods is executed. self.autoflush = autoflush #: Flag controlling if this session should join the zope transaction #: self.join_transaction = join_transaction # Session state: modified entities (by entity class) self.__dirty = defaultdict(weakref.WeakSet) # Session state: added entities (by entity class) self.__added = defaultdict(weakref.WeakSet) # Session state: removed entities (by entity class) self.__removed = defaultdict(weakref.WeakSet) # Session state: entities in the session (net of add and remove ops). self.__entities = defaultdict(EntityCache) # Internal flag indicating that a flush is needed. self.__needs_flush = False # Internal flag indicating that the session needs to be synced with the # store. self.__needs_sync = True # self.__transaction = None def commit(self): # Always flush before a commit. self.flush() # Tell the entity store to do a commit. self.__entity_store.commit(self) # Reset state. self.reset() def rollback(self): # Tell the entity store to do a rollback. self.__entity_store.rollback(self) # Reset state. self.reset() def reset(self): self.__dirty.clear() self.__added.clear() self.__removed.clear() for cache in self.__entities.itervalues(): cache.clear() self.__needs_flush = False self.__needs_sync = True def add(self, entity_cls, entity): if self.__needs_sync: self.__sync_with_store() # Avoid conflicting operations. removed = self.__removed[entity_cls] if entity in removed: removed.remove(entity) else: added = self.__added[entity_cls] added.add(entity) # Update session cache. cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] cache.add(entity) # If the removed entity was marked as dirty, discard. self.__dirty[entity_cls].discard(entity) # Mark for flush. self.__needs_flush = True def remove(self, entity_cls, entity): if self.__needs_sync: self.__sync_with_store() # Avoid conflicting operations. added = self.__added[entity_cls] if entity in added: added.remove(entity) else: removed = self.__removed[entity_cls] removed.add(entity) # Update session cache. cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] cache.remove(entity) # If the removed entity was marked as dirty, discard. self.__dirty[entity_cls].discard(entity) # Mark for flush. self.__needs_flush = True def get_by_id(self, entity_cls, entity_id): if self.__needs_sync: self.__sync_with_store() if self.__needs_flush and self.autoflush: self.flush() entity = self.__entities[entity_cls].get_by_id(entity_id) if not entity is None: self.__dirty[entity_cls].add(entity) return entity def get_by_slug(self, entity_cls, entity_slug): if self.__needs_sync: self.__sync_with_store() if self.__needs_flush and self.autoflush: self.flush() entity = self.__entities[entity_cls].get_by_slug(entity_slug) if not entity is None: self.__dirty[entity_cls].add(entity) return entity def get_all(self, entity_cls): if self.__needs_sync: self.__sync_with_store() if self.__needs_flush and self.autoflush: self.flush() entities = self.__entities[entity_cls].get_all() self.__dirty[entity_cls].update(entities) return entities def flush(self): self.__needs_flush = False # Iterate over added entities and obtain new IDs from the store for # entities that do not have one. rebuild_cache = False for (entity_cls, added_entities) in self.__added.iteritems(): cache = self.__entities[entity_cls] for ad_ent in added_entities: if is None: new_id = self.__entity_store.get_id(entity_cls) if not rebuild_cache: rebuild_cache = True = new_id if rebuild_cache: for cache in self.__entities.itervalues(): cache.rebuild() @property def added(self): return self.__added @property def removed(self): return self.__removed @property def dirty(self): return self.__dirty def __sync_with_store(self): if self.join_transaction: # If we have not already done so, create a data manager and join # the zope transaction. trx = transaction.get() if not trx is self.__transaction: dm = DataManager(self) trx.join(dm) self.__transaction = trx self.__needs_sync = False self.__entities = self.__entity_store.copy()
[docs]class DataManager(object): """ Data manager to plug an :class:`InMemorySession` into a zope transaction. """ # TODO: implement safepoints. pylint: disable=W0511 implements(IDataManager) def __init__(self, session): self.session = session def abort(self, trans): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.session.rollback() def tpc_begin(self, trans): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.session.flush() def commit(self, trans): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.session.commit() def tpc_vote(self, trans): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.session.commit() def tpc_finish(self, trans): pass def tpc_abort(self, trans): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.session.rollback() def sortKey(self): return "everest:%d" % id(self.session)

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