Source code for everest.views.postcollection

Post collection view.

This file is part of the everest project. 
See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information.

Created on Oct 14, 2011.
from everest.resources.utils import provides_member_resource
from everest.url import resource_to_url
from everest.views.base import PutOrPostResourceView
from webob.exc import HTTPCreated

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = ['PostCollectionView',

[docs]class PostCollectionView(PutOrPostResourceView): """ View for POST requests on collection resources. The client POSTs a representation of the member to the URI of the collection. If the new member resource was created successfully, the server responds with a status code of 201 and a Location header that contains the IRI of the newly created resource and a representation of it in the body of the response. See """ def _extract_request_data(self): return self.representer.from_string(self.request.body) def _process_request_data(self, data): member_was_posted = provides_member_resource(data) if member_was_posted: new_members = [data] else: new_members = data was_created = True for new_member in new_members: if self.context.get(new_member.__name__) is not None: # We have a member with the same name - 409 Conflict. response = self._handle_conflict(new_member.__name__) was_created = False break else: self.context.add(new_member) if was_created: if member_was_posted: new_location = resource_to_url(data, request=self.request) else: new_location = resource_to_url(self.context, request=self.request) self.request.response.status = self._status(HTTPCreated) self.request.response.headerlist = [('Location', new_location)] response = {'context' : data} return response

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