Building :mod:`everest` applications ==================================== In this section, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to build a RESTful application with :mod:`everest`. 1. The application Suppose you want to write a program that helps a garden designer with composing lists of beautiful perennials and shrubs that she intends to plant in her customer's gardens. Let's call this fancy application "Plant Scribe". In its simplest possible form, this application will have to handle customers, projects (per customer), sites (per project), and plant species (per site). 2. Designing the entity model :mod:`everest` applications keep their value state in :term:`entity` objects. .. sidebar:: Entities and Resources The entity model implements the :term:`domain logic` of the application by enforcing all value state constraints at all times. Entities are manipulated through :term:`resource` objects. A resource object provides access either to a single entity object (:term:`member resource`) or to a collection of entities of the same kind (:term:`collection resource`). Resources can call other resources to modify other parts of the entity model, thus implementing the :term:`business logic` of the application. Each collection resource uses an :term:`aggregate` to provide access to its underlying entities. They support slicing, filtering, and ordering operations. The first step on our way to the Plant Scribe application is therefore to decide which data we want to store in our entity model. We start with the customer: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/entities/ :linenos: In our example, the :class:`Customer` class inherits from the :class:`Entity` class provided by :mod:`everest`. This is convenient, but not necessary; any class can participate in the entity model as long as it implements the :class:`everest.entities.interfaces.IEntity` interface. Note, however, that this interface requires the presence of a ``slug`` attribute, which in the case of the customer entity is composed of the concatenation of the customer's last and first name. .. sidebar:: Slugs A :term:`slug` is a character string that uniquely identifies an entity within its aggregate. :mod:`everest` uses the slug as part of the URL for the member resource wrapping an entity, so, ideally, it should ideally be a short, mnemonic expression. For each customer, we need to be able to handle an arbitrary number of projects: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/entities/ :linenos: Note that the ``name`` attribute, which serves as the project entity slug, does not need to be unique among *all* projects, but just among all projects for a given customer. Another noteworthy observation is that although the project references the customer, we do not (yet) have a way to access the projects associated with a given customer as an attribute of its customer entity. Avoiding such circular references allows us to keep our entity model simple, but we may be missing the convenience they offer. We will return to this issue a little later. Each project is referenced by one or more planting sites: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/entities/ :linenos: The plant species to choose from for each site are modeled as follows: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/entities/ :linenos: Finally, the information about which plant species to use at which site and in which quantity is modeled as an "incidence" entity: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/entities/ :linenos: 3. Designing and building the resource layer With the entity model in place, we can now proceed to designing the resource layer. The first step here is to define the marker interfaces that :mod:`everest` will use to access the various parts of the resource system. This is very straightforward to do: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/ :linenos: Next, we move on to declaring the resource attributes using :mod:`everest`'s resource attribute descriptors. Each resource attribute descriptor maps a single attribute from the resource's entity and makes it available for access from the outside. .. sidebar:: Resource Attribute Kinds There are three kinds of resource attributes in :mod:`everest`: Terminal attributes, member attributes, and collection attributes. A *terminal* resource attribute references an object of an atomic type or some other type that is not a resource itself. A *member* resource attribute references another member resource and a *collection* resource attribute references another collection resource. Resource attributes are declared using the :func:`terminal_attribute`, :func:`member_attribute`, and :func:`collection_attribute` descriptor generating functions from the :mod:`resources.descriptors` module. In our example application, the resources mostly declare the public attributes of the underlying entities as attributes: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/resources/ :linenos: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/resources/ :linenos: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/resources/ :linenos: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/resources/ :linenos: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/resources/ :linenos: In the simple case where the resource attribute descriptor declares a public attribute of the underlying entity, it expects a type or an interface of the target object and the name of the corresponding entity attribute as arguments. .. sidebar:: URL resolution :mod:`everest` favors and facilitates object traversal for URL resolution. In particular, all resource attributes that target a member or collection resource can be used directly for URL traversal unless they are specifically set as non-nested resource in the corresponding resource attribute declaration. For :func:`member_attribute` and :func:`collection_attribute` descriptors there is also an optional argument ``is_nested`` which determines if the URL for the target resource is going to be formed relative to the root (i.e., as an absolute path) or relative to the parent resource declaring the attribute. We also have the possibility to declare resource attributes that do not reference the target resource directly through an entity attribute, but indirectly through a "backreferencing" attribute. In the example code, this is demonstrated in the ``projects`` attribute of the :class:`CustomerMember` resource which allows us to access a customer's projects at the resource level even though the underlying entity does not reference its projects directly. 4. Configuring the application With the resource layer in place, we can now move on to configuring our application. :mod:`everest` applications are based on the :mod:`pyramid` framework and everything you learned about configuring :mod:`pyramid` applications can be applied here. Rather than duplicating the excellent documentation available on the Pyramid web site, we will focus on a minimal example on how to configure the extra resource functionality that :mod:`everest` supplies. The minimal ``.ini`` file for the ``plantscribe`` application is quite simple: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe.ini The only purpose of the ``.ini`` file is to specify a ``Paster`` application factory which is responsible for creating and setting up the application registry and for instantiating a WSGI application. The ``.zcml`` configuration file - which is loaded through the application factory - is more interesting: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/configure.zcml :linenos: Note the ``include`` directive at the top of the file; this not only pulls in the :mod:`everest`-specific ZCML directives, but also the Pyramid directives as well. The most important of the :mod:`everest`-specific directives is the ``resource`` directive. This sets up the connections between the various parts of the resource subsystem, using our marker interfaces as the glue. At the minimum, you need to specify - A marker interface for your resource; - An entity class for the resource; - A member class class for the resource; and - A name for the root collection. The aggregate and collection objects needed by the resource subsystem (cf. xxx) are created automatically; you may, however, supply a custom collection class that inherits from :class:`everest.resources.base.Collection`. If you do not plan on exposing the collection for this resource to the outside, you can set the ``expose`` flag to ``false``, in which case you do not need to provide a root collection name. Non-exposed resources will still be available as a root collection internally, but access through the service as well as the generation of absolute URLs will not work. 5. Running the application To see our little application in action, we can use the ``pshell`` interactive shell that comes with ``Pyramid``. First, install the ``plantscribe`` package by issuing .. code-block:: text $ pip install -e . inside the ``docs/demoapp/v0`` folder of the :mod:`everest` source tree. This presumes you have followed the instructions of installing :mod:`everest` and use a ``virtualenv`` with the ``pip`` installer (cf. xxx). Now, still from the same directory, you start the ``Pyramid`` ``pshell`` like this: .. code-block:: text $ pshell plantscribe.ini Python 2.7.2 (v2.7.2:8527427914a2, Jun 11 2011, 15:22:34) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "help" for more information. Environment: app The WSGI application. registry Active Pyramid registry. request Active request object. root Root of the default resource tree. root_factory Default root factory used to create `root`. >>> The ``root`` object that is available in the ``pshell`` environment is the service object that provides access to all public root collections by name: .. code-block:: text >>> c = root['customers'] >>> c We can now start adding members to the collection and retrieve them back from the collection: .. code-block:: text >>> from plantscribe.entities.customer import Customer >>> ent = Customer('Peter', 'Fox') >>> m = c.create_member(ent) >>> m.__name__ 'fox-peter' >>> c.get('fox-peter').__name__ 'fox-peter' 6. Adding persistency With the application running, we now turn our attention to persistency. :mod:`everest` uses a :term:`repository` to load and save resources from and to a storage backend. To use a filesystem-based repository as the default for our application, we could use the following ZCML declaration: .. code-block:: text This tells :mod:`everest` to use the ``data`` directory (relative to the ``plantscribe`` package) to persist representations of the root collections of all resources as ``.csv`` (Comma Separated Value) files. When the application is initialized, the root collections are loaded from these representation files and during each ``commit`` operation at the end of a transaction, all modified root collections are written back to their corresponding representation files. The filesystem-based repository does not perform well with complex or high volume data structures or in cases where several processes need to access the same persistency backend. In these situations, we need to switch to a an ORM-based repository. :mod:`everest` uses xxx ``SQLAlchemy`` as ORM. What follows is a highly simplified account of what is needed to instruct ``SQLAlchemy`` to persist the entities of an :mod:`everest` application; for an explanation of the terms and concepts used in this section, please refer to the excellent documentation on the `SQLAlchemy` web site. In a first step, we need to initialize the ORM. The following ZCML declaration makes the ORM the default resource repository: .. code-block:: text The metadata factory setting references a callable that takes an ``SQLAlchemy`` engine as a parameter and returns a fully initialized metadata instance. For our simple application, this function looks like this: .. literalinclude:: ../demoapp/v0/plantscribe/ :linenos: The function first creates a database schema and then maps our entity classes to this schema. Note that a special mapper is used which provides a convenient way to map the special `id` and `slug` attributes required by :mod:`everest` to the ORM layer. To use an engine other than the default in-memory SQLite database engine, you need to supply a ``db_string`` setting in the paster application ``.ini`` file. For example: .. code-block::text [DEFAULT] db_server = mydbserver db_port = 5432 db_user = mydbuser db_password = mypassword db_name = mydbname [app:myapp] db_string = postgresql+psycopg2://%(db_user)s:%(db_password)s@%(db_server)s:%(db_port)s/%(db_name)s Different resorces may use different repositories, but any given resource can only be assigned to one repository.