
General purpose utilities.

class everest.utils.BidirectionalLookup(init_map=None, map_type=<type 'dict'>)[source]

Bases: object

Bidirectional mapping between a left and a right collection of items.

Each element of the left collection is mapped to exactly one element of the right collection; both collections contain unique elements.

__init__(init_map=None, map_type=<type 'dict'>)[source]
  • init_map – map-like object to initialize this instance with
  • map_type – type to use for the left and right item maps (dictionary like)

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


match(string[, pos[, endpos]]) –> match object or None. Matches zero or more characters at the beginning of the string


Property descriptor for class objects.


Returns a the class registered as the filter specification visitor utility under the given name (one of the everest.querying.base.EXPRESSION_KINDS constants).

Returns:class implementing everest.interfaces.IFilterSpecificationVisitor

Returns the class registered as the order specification visitor utility under the given name (one of the everest.querying.base.EXPRESSION_KINDS constants).

Returns:class implementing everest.interfaces.IOrderSpecificationVisitor

Registers the object registered as the repository manager utility.

Returns:object implementing everest.interfaces.IRepositoryManager

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